05 61 62 46 00
9, rue Amélie - 31000 Toulouse

Landscapes for Work

Working differently - changes in work places and times.

Ester seeks to decipher workplace landscapes and be capable of upholding a clear understanding of our surroundings in relation to human activities, with a determination to reconcile business success with the preservation of natural resources. It seemed natural to us to involve the teams, learn to become attentive each to one another as well as the relations that forge the life we share, to develop these relations in such a way that they become a source of social and economic performance. ester undertakes to work alongside you to fashion your environment and foster exchanges.

Shaping your officescapes leads us to encounter your story (the people and the businesses) and the (social and spatial) geography that sustain a culture and form your surroundings.
illustrations des paysages du travail et ses différents biotopes
ester our profession